The Balgass boss awaits in the depths of Crywolf
The Balgass boss awaits with her assistants in the depths of Crywolf.
Location and Access
Location: Crywolf Event located in Crywolf map
How to Enter:
You need to go to Crywolf (coordinates 228, 48).
You can get there via:
Warping (available at level 160+ if enabled on your server).
Walking from Valley of Loren (exit at the south).
Balgass Overview
Respawn Time: Crywolf event takes place on Thursday and Sunday at 20:30 UTC.
Register as a Participant
Once in Crywolf, locate the NPC: Crywolf Altar.
If you are in a guild, you may need to coordinate with your Guild Master.
Register for the event before it starts.
Event Mechanics
Objective: Defend the Crywolf Altar and prevent the Balgass’ Army from destroying it.
Any player can join, but Elf characters are crucial to defending the altar.
Balgass’ Army, which includes powerful mobs like Balram, Death Spirit, and Dark Elves.
Final boss: Balgass.
Rewards for Defeating Balgass
6 Random excellent Items and 20% chance drop of jewels on below list. Also, gives additional rewards in the game currency of 250 WC and 500 GP.
Jewel of Skill, Jewel of Luck and Jewel of Additional.
Last updated